Seems everyone who's ever made an icon on LJ had the same idea as me this weekend and has been a lot quicker at it, but I thought I'd chuck mine into the mix anyway ;) Some vague spoilers I suppose, it depends how spoilerphobic you are!
30 x Ashes to Ashes Series 3.01 43 x Doctor Who Series 5.01
27 x Chuck episode 3x09 (spoilers for anyone not watching at US pace!) 20 x Firefly Icons 18 x Glee Icons (safe for UK viewers) 3 x Chuck Wallpaper 2 x Doctor Who Wallpaper 2x Pushing Daisies Wallpaper 1x Glee Wallpaper
In which I go completely over the top. Includes almost every episode from 'Time Crash' to 'Journey's End' and features special guest appearances from; Five; Donna Noble Supertemp; Martha Jones; River Song; that guy from Merlin; Captain Jack; Sarah Jane; Rose Tyler; Wilf; The Doctor's Hand; and the humanish Doctor.
So much for these being ready 'sometime before Christmas'! Uni work got in the way, but at least I got them done before the end of the year. This batch takes us from 'The Runaway Bride' right through to 'The Last of the Timelords'.
This was originally going to be a big post of all of Ten's best bits throughout series 2-4, but I got carried away! So here's a ton of icons from 'The Christmas Invasion' right through to 'Doomsday'.
Here are 25 icons and 3 wallpapers that I made when messing about with various photoshop tutorials. There's no set theme and they're all jumbled up a bit as they're still in the order I uploaded them to Photobucket. But have a look and hopefully you'll find something you like!
I think, by now, you can probably all guess who my favourite band are and what my favourite telly program is (and that Donna is my favourite companion)! 11x Doctor and Donna, plus wallpaper 24x Green Day
A loosely themed icon post! See if you can spot the tenuous connection... 18 x Ashes to Ashes series 2 (contains spoilers for the ending!) 17 x The Mighty Boosh 39 x Doctor Who Yes! They all involve John Simm! Sort of... ok, they all involve space and/or time travel. And John Simm.
32 x Ashes to Ashes icons 02 x Ashes to Ashes Wallpapers 01 x Catherine Tate Wallpaper 01 x Billie Piper Wallpaper 01 x David Tennant Wallpaper 01 x Tom Felton Wallpaper 01 x Helena Bonham Carter Wallpaper